Moment Problems in Hereditary FunctionSpaces
Document type :
Compte-rendu et recension critique d'ouvrage
Title :
Moment Problems in Hereditary FunctionSpaces
Author(s) :
Journal title :
Concrete Operators
Publication date :
English keyword(s) :
hereditary set of multi-indices
relative idempotent
relative multiplicativity
dimensional stability
relative idempotent
relative multiplicativity
dimensional stability
HAL domain(s) :
Mathématiques [math]
English abstract : [en]
We introduce a concept of hereditary set of multi-indices, and consider vector spaces of functionsgenerated by families associated to such sets of multi-indices, called hereditary function spaces. Existenceand uniquenes ...
Show more >We introduce a concept of hereditary set of multi-indices, and consider vector spaces of functionsgenerated by families associated to such sets of multi-indices, called hereditary function spaces. Existenceand uniquenes of representing measures for some abstract truncated moment problems are investigated inthis framework, by adapting the concept of idempotent and that of dimensional stability, and using sometechniques involving C * -algebras and commuting self-adjoint multiplication operators.Show less >
Show more >We introduce a concept of hereditary set of multi-indices, and consider vector spaces of functionsgenerated by families associated to such sets of multi-indices, called hereditary function spaces. Existenceand uniquenes of representing measures for some abstract truncated moment problems are investigated inthis framework, by adapting the concept of idempotent and that of dimensional stability, and using sometechniques involving C * -algebras and commuting self-adjoint multiplication operators.Show less >
Language :
Popular science :
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