Novel technics for hexavalent chromium ...
Document type :
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Title :
Novel technics for hexavalent chromium removal from waters – exploring the wide offer of methods proposed in the recent scientific litterature
Author(s) :
Hofmann, Annette [Auteur correspondant]
Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences (LOG) - UMR 8187 [LOG]
Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences (LOG) - UMR 8187 [LOG]
Conference title :
Goldschmidt 2023
City :
Country :
Start date of the conference :
Book title :
Publisher :
European Association of Geochemistry
Publication date :
English keyword(s) :
Hexavalent chromium
English abstract : [en]
In an era of ever increasing production of new molecules andnew materials, the development of new methods for watertreatment, for the extraction of water soluble pollutants, is anever lasting rapidly evolving field of ...
Show more >In an era of ever increasing production of new molecules andnew materials, the development of new methods for watertreatment, for the extraction of water soluble pollutants, is anever lasting rapidly evolving field of research. In this report, wewill investigate the amazing creativity around the search for newmethods for the removal of hexavalent chromium.Cr(VI) is extremely toxic, and most Cr(VI) bearingcompounds are highly soluble in water. Chromium is intenselyused in the industry since the early 19th century and Cr(VI) hasbeen released to surface and groundwaters since that time.Principal culprits are the mining industry with mine drainage,metallurgical wastes (COPR in particular), the electroplatingindustry and tanneries.Fight against past pollutions, abatement of concentrations incontemporary industrial effluents and the need to meet drinkingwater regulatory values, all these efforts demand efficient andtimely treatment technology.Cr(VI) can be removed from water by means of chemicaladsorption, reduction to Cr(III) or a combination of both. Incurrent practice, water treatment is most often conducted throughchemical reduction using reduced sulfur compounds, Fe(II)compounds or zero-valent iron. Although these treatmenttechniques are efficient and well established, the scientificliterature offers an amazing amount of research papers exploringnovel methods for Cr(VI) removal from industrial andenvironmental waters. Some of them may use more eco-friendlyreagents, produce less waste, facilitate recycling, or simply beeasy to generate and to apply.Our study reviews this profusing offer of methods. In agraphical overview, the methods are grouped as a function ofmain criteria such as type of reagents, recyclability of treatmentreagents, energy yields, waste recovery, concentration abatementand, very importantly, the level of technical advancement of thepublished method.Show less >
Show more >In an era of ever increasing production of new molecules andnew materials, the development of new methods for watertreatment, for the extraction of water soluble pollutants, is anever lasting rapidly evolving field of research. In this report, wewill investigate the amazing creativity around the search for newmethods for the removal of hexavalent chromium.Cr(VI) is extremely toxic, and most Cr(VI) bearingcompounds are highly soluble in water. Chromium is intenselyused in the industry since the early 19th century and Cr(VI) hasbeen released to surface and groundwaters since that time.Principal culprits are the mining industry with mine drainage,metallurgical wastes (COPR in particular), the electroplatingindustry and tanneries.Fight against past pollutions, abatement of concentrations incontemporary industrial effluents and the need to meet drinkingwater regulatory values, all these efforts demand efficient andtimely treatment technology.Cr(VI) can be removed from water by means of chemicaladsorption, reduction to Cr(III) or a combination of both. Incurrent practice, water treatment is most often conducted throughchemical reduction using reduced sulfur compounds, Fe(II)compounds or zero-valent iron. Although these treatmenttechniques are efficient and well established, the scientificliterature offers an amazing amount of research papers exploringnovel methods for Cr(VI) removal from industrial andenvironmental waters. Some of them may use more eco-friendlyreagents, produce less waste, facilitate recycling, or simply beeasy to generate and to apply.Our study reviews this profusing offer of methods. In agraphical overview, the methods are grouped as a function ofmain criteria such as type of reagents, recyclability of treatmentreagents, energy yields, waste recovery, concentration abatementand, very importantly, the level of technical advancement of thepublished method.Show less >
Language :
Peer reviewed article :
Audience :
Popular science :
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