The fate of officials after Samsī-Addu's ...
Document type :
Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...): Communication dans un congrès avec actes
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Title :
The fate of officials after Samsī-Addu's death: between execution, rallying and seizure of power
Author(s) :
Lacambre, Denis [Auteur]
Histoire, Archéologie et Littérature des Mondes Anciens - UMR 8164 [HALMA]
Université de Lille
Patrier, Julie [Auteur]
Université de Liège - Département des Sciences de l'Antiquité
Parayre, Dominique [Auteur]
Histoire, Archéologie et Littérature des Mondes Anciens - UMR 8164 [HALMA]
Université de Lille
Histoire, Archéologie et Littérature des Mondes Anciens - UMR 8164 [HALMA]
Université de Lille
Patrier, Julie [Auteur]
Université de Liège - Département des Sciences de l'Antiquité
Parayre, Dominique [Auteur]
Histoire, Archéologie et Littérature des Mondes Anciens - UMR 8164 [HALMA]
Université de Lille
Conference title :
69th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Politics, Peoples, and Polities in the Ancient Near East
City :
Country :
Start date of the conference :
English keyword(s) :
Tell Hariri Mari
Tell Leilan Šubat-Enlil
Chagar Bazar Ašnakkum
Šamšī-Adad I
Old Babylonian Period
Amorite Period
Cylinder seal
Tell Hariri Mari
Tell Leilan Šubat-Enlil
Chagar Bazar Ašnakkum
Šamšī-Adad I
Old Babylonian Period
Amorite Period
Cylinder seal
HAL domain(s) :
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Histoire
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Art et histoire de l'art
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Art et histoire de l'art
English abstract : [en]
The fall of a powerful kingdom in the ancient Near East, as elsewhere, meant that themembers of the defeated administration could suffered a disastrous fate. There is a wealthof documentation on this subject from the Amorite ...
Show more >The fall of a powerful kingdom in the ancient Near East, as elsewhere, meant that themembers of the defeated administration could suffered a disastrous fate. There is a wealthof documentation on this subject from the Amorite period. In particular the Mari archivesand contemporary archives such as those at Chagar Bazar (ancient Ašnakkum) and Tell Lei-lan (ancient Šehnā/Šubat-Enlil) provide a wealth of information on the events that follo-wed the death of the powerful Samsī-Addu in the beginning of the 18th century BCE. Theconsequences for the fate of the members of his administration will be studied by combi-ning the study of tablets, seals and sealings discovered in the numerous archives from thisperiod. Various cases will be studied and recontextualised during this lecture.Show less >
Show more >The fall of a powerful kingdom in the ancient Near East, as elsewhere, meant that themembers of the defeated administration could suffered a disastrous fate. There is a wealthof documentation on this subject from the Amorite period. In particular the Mari archivesand contemporary archives such as those at Chagar Bazar (ancient Ašnakkum) and Tell Lei-lan (ancient Šehnā/Šubat-Enlil) provide a wealth of information on the events that follo-wed the death of the powerful Samsī-Addu in the beginning of the 18th century BCE. Theconsequences for the fate of the members of his administration will be studied by combi-ning the study of tablets, seals and sealings discovered in the numerous archives from thisperiod. Various cases will be studied and recontextualised during this lecture.Show less >
Language :
Peer reviewed article :
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Popular science :
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