Argumentation and Arabic Philosophy of ...
Type de document :
Compte-rendu et recension critique d'ouvrage
Titre :
Argumentation and Arabic Philosophy of Language : Introduction
Auteur(s) :
Titre de la revue :
Methodos : savoirs et textes
Éditeur :
Savoirs textes langage - UMR 8163
Date de publication :
Discipline(s) HAL :
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Philosophie
Résumé en anglais : [en]
The domain of Islamic thought and intellectual history boasts an important body ofstudies relevant to the Arabic philosophy of language, as well as a growing interest inIslamicate argumentation theory and practice.1There ...
Lire la suite >The domain of Islamic thought and intellectual history boasts an important body ofstudies relevant to the Arabic philosophy of language, as well as a growing interest inIslamicate argumentation theory and practice.1There remains, however, a dearth ofvolumes which pool research from both areas and examine them together. Filling thisgap is more critical than ever. In our time, significant work is being conducted inargumentation theory, but little of it draws from, or relates to, the rich intellectualtraditions of Islam. Exceedingly few historians of logic, let alone modern argumentationtheorists, seem to have heard of Islamicate dialectical theory much less benefited from its millennium of insightful developments. With this in mind, the main objective behind this special volume ofMethodoswas toprovide a venue for studies of hermeneutics, linguistic analysis, and deductivereasoning in the theory / practice of argumentation relevant to the Arabic philosophy oflanguage, including contributions on:21.theories which are geared towards argument (e.g., dialectical justifications andobjections, linguistic fallacies, strategies and protocols for engagement onparticular issues, etc.);2.the dynamic of argument in shaping concepts and theories (e.g., explaining howsystematic argument fashioned certain scholars’ solutions); and3.theories “in action” (e.g., argument analyses of the historical, scholarly dialecticon a certain problem).Moreover, and understanding that interdisciplinarity is a quintessential feature ofpremodern Islamic thought, we were eager to attract contributions from a spectrum ofdisciplines (e.g., philosophy, theology, and law) so as to provide testimony for thedynamic “unity in diversity” of Islamic thought. Thanks to the efforts of ourcontributors, we are happy to report a measure of success in both of these objectives.3The contributed studies are fascinating—both individually and collectively—and willspeak for themselves in terms of relevance and benefits to the field. We wouldnevertheless do well to first consider their subjects in the larger historical andtheoretical contexts within which they took shape. Therefore, we will now attempt tosituate Islamicate argumentation theory vis-à-vis the broader, traditional division ofsciences into “[purely] rational” then offer somepertinent developmental and methodological observations, before briefly introducingthis special issue’s contributions.Lire moins >
Lire la suite >The domain of Islamic thought and intellectual history boasts an important body ofstudies relevant to the Arabic philosophy of language, as well as a growing interest inIslamicate argumentation theory and practice.1There remains, however, a dearth ofvolumes which pool research from both areas and examine them together. Filling thisgap is more critical than ever. In our time, significant work is being conducted inargumentation theory, but little of it draws from, or relates to, the rich intellectualtraditions of Islam. Exceedingly few historians of logic, let alone modern argumentationtheorists, seem to have heard of Islamicate dialectical theory much less benefited from its millennium of insightful developments. With this in mind, the main objective behind this special volume ofMethodoswas toprovide a venue for studies of hermeneutics, linguistic analysis, and deductivereasoning in the theory / practice of argumentation relevant to the Arabic philosophy oflanguage, including contributions on:21.theories which are geared towards argument (e.g., dialectical justifications andobjections, linguistic fallacies, strategies and protocols for engagement onparticular issues, etc.);2.the dynamic of argument in shaping concepts and theories (e.g., explaining howsystematic argument fashioned certain scholars’ solutions); and3.theories “in action” (e.g., argument analyses of the historical, scholarly dialecticon a certain problem).Moreover, and understanding that interdisciplinarity is a quintessential feature ofpremodern Islamic thought, we were eager to attract contributions from a spectrum ofdisciplines (e.g., philosophy, theology, and law) so as to provide testimony for thedynamic “unity in diversity” of Islamic thought. Thanks to the efforts of ourcontributors, we are happy to report a measure of success in both of these objectives.3The contributed studies are fascinating—both individually and collectively—and willspeak for themselves in terms of relevance and benefits to the field. We wouldnevertheless do well to first consider their subjects in the larger historical andtheoretical contexts within which they took shape. Therefore, we will now attempt tosituate Islamicate argumentation theory vis-à-vis the broader, traditional division ofsciences into “[purely] rational” then offer somepertinent developmental and methodological observations, before briefly introducingthis special issue’s contributions.Lire moins >
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