Zonotopic set-membership state estimation ...
Document type :
Compte-rendu et recension critique d'ouvrage
Title :
Zonotopic set-membership state estimation for switched systems
Author(s) :
Ifqir, Sara [Auteur]
Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille - UMR 9189 [CRIStAL]
Puig, Vicenç [Auteur]
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial [IRI]
Ichalal, Dalil [Auteur]
Informatique, BioInformatique, Systèmes Complexes [IBISC]
Aït Oufroukh, Naïma [Auteur]
Informatique, BioInformatique, Systèmes Complexes [IBISC]
Mammar, Saïd [Auteur]
Informatique, BioInformatique, Systèmes Complexes [IBISC]
Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille - UMR 9189 [CRIStAL]
Puig, Vicenç [Auteur]
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial [IRI]
Ichalal, Dalil [Auteur]
Informatique, BioInformatique, Systèmes Complexes [IBISC]
Aït Oufroukh, Naïma [Auteur]
Informatique, BioInformatique, Systèmes Complexes [IBISC]
Mammar, Saïd [Auteur]
Informatique, BioInformatique, Systèmes Complexes [IBISC]
Journal title :
Journal of The Franklin Institute
Pages :
Publisher :
Publication date :
HAL domain(s) :
Sciences de l'ingénieur [physics]/Automatique / Robotique
English abstract : [en]
This paper proposes a new approach for set-membership state estimation of switched discrete-time linear systems subject to bounded disturbances and noises. A zonotopic outer approximation of the state estimation domain is ...
Show more >This paper proposes a new approach for set-membership state estimation of switched discrete-time linear systems subject to bounded disturbances and noises. A zonotopic outer approximation of the state estimation domain is computed and a new criterion is proposed to reduce the size of the zonotope at each sample time. The zonotopic set-membership estimator design for switched systems is provided within the LMI framework. The extension of the proposed scheme to deal with unknown inputs is also presented. An application to vehicle lateral dynamics state estimation is provided. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and highlight its advantages over the existing methods.Show less >
Show more >This paper proposes a new approach for set-membership state estimation of switched discrete-time linear systems subject to bounded disturbances and noises. A zonotopic outer approximation of the state estimation domain is computed and a new criterion is proposed to reduce the size of the zonotope at each sample time. The zonotopic set-membership estimator design for switched systems is provided within the LMI framework. The extension of the proposed scheme to deal with unknown inputs is also presented. An application to vehicle lateral dynamics state estimation is provided. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and highlight its advantages over the existing methods.Show less >
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Popular science :
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