Hagiography and Inter-Urban Rivalry: The ...
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Partie d'ouvrage: Chapitre
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Titre :
Hagiography and Inter-Urban Rivalry: The Life of Saint Eucharius (BHL 2655), first bishop of Trier, and its use in 'political' querrels during the 10th century
Auteur(s) :
Titre de l’ouvrage :
Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500
Pagination :
p. 297-313
Éditeur :
Brill Academic Publishers
Date de publication :
Discipline(s) HAL :
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Histoire
Résumé en anglais : [en]
This essay shows that deep devotion and material interests were not incompatible for medieval hagiographers. Examination of the vita of Eucharius, first bishop of Trier, written around 900, reveals that its author intended ...
Lire la suite >This essay shows that deep devotion and material interests were not incompatible for medieval hagiographers. Examination of the vita of Eucharius, first bishop of Trier, written around 900, reveals that its author intended to reinforce the reputation of his church by glorifying the saint. But in those days, Trier was too weak to claim political prerogatives. Only when the context had changed in the second half of the tenth century, could the bishops of Trier successfully use it for political ends. Indeed, the text became a strong argument for Bishop Theoderich of Trier when he obtained the so-called primacy over the churches of Cologne and Mainz in 969.Lire moins >
Lire la suite >This essay shows that deep devotion and material interests were not incompatible for medieval hagiographers. Examination of the vita of Eucharius, first bishop of Trier, written around 900, reveals that its author intended to reinforce the reputation of his church by glorifying the saint. But in those days, Trier was too weak to claim political prerogatives. Only when the context had changed in the second half of the tenth century, could the bishops of Trier successfully use it for political ends. Indeed, the text became a strong argument for Bishop Theoderich of Trier when he obtained the so-called primacy over the churches of Cologne and Mainz in 969.Lire moins >
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Établissement(s) :
Université de Lille
Date de dépôt :