The middle Palaeolithic Bábonyan of ...
Document type :
Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...): Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Title :
The middle Palaeolithic Bábonyan of North-East Hungary in the light of recent excavation of the eponymous site at Sajóbábony.
Author(s) :
Mester, Zsolt [Auteur correspondant]
Salvador, Pierre-Gil [Auteur]
Territoires, Villes, Environnement & Société - ULR 4477 [TVES]
Szolyák, Péter [Auteur]
Lamotte, Agnes [Auteur]
Histoire, Archéologie et Littérature des Mondes Anciens - UMR 8164 [HALMA]
Salvador, Pierre-Gil [Auteur]

Territoires, Villes, Environnement & Société - ULR 4477 [TVES]
Szolyák, Péter [Auteur]
Lamotte, Agnes [Auteur]

Histoire, Archéologie et Littérature des Mondes Anciens - UMR 8164 [HALMA]
Conference title :
Late neanderthals of the middle Danube basin in central european context : cutural variability, interregional contacts, developmental capacities
Conference organizers(s) :
EAA european archaeologist association
City :
Country :
Start date of the conference :
English keyword(s) :
: bifacial industry, typo-technology, raw material economy, geochronology, leaftools
English abstract : [en]
In the early 1980s, Árpád Ringer recognized a Middle Palaeolithic industry, characterized by bifacial tool production, including leaf-shaped elements, belonging to the Micoquian complex of Central and Eastern Europe. He ...
Show more >In the early 1980s, Árpád Ringer recognized a Middle Palaeolithic industry, characterized by bifacial tool production, including leaf-shaped elements, belonging to the Micoquian complex of Central and Eastern Europe. He named it Bábonyian after its richest site, Sajóbábony-Méhész-tető. Since the Bábonyian is considered as the possible ancestor of the Szeletian in Hungary. Two excavations were carried out at Sajóbábony in 1986 and 1997. These works unearthed a rich knapped stone industry, thousands of artefacts, embedded in a brown forest soil. This palaeosoil was suggested to be as old as the Last Interglacial (Eemian, MIS 5e). Despite these investigations a lot of questions remained open at the site. To look for answers a very good opportunity has been provided by the archaeological mission project “Le Paléolithique de la Hongrie” funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. This French-Hungarian research project involves 17 specialists of prehistoric archaeology and geosciences from the University of Lille, the Natural History Museum in Paris, the University of Lyon (France), as well as from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, the Herman Ottó Museum in Miskolc, and the University of Miskolc (Hungary). The project has various objectives which aim, for a first quadrennial, to improve our knowledge about the site. The new excavations from 2019 to 2024 provide new data for clarifying the chronostratigraphic position of the industries and the role of taphonomic site formation processes, and for reconstructing the palaeoenvironmental context of the human occupations. The detailed technological and typological study of the lithic assemblages, including the old collections, will be completed by use wear analyses, for reconstructing technical behaviour, cultural traditions and subsistence activities of the prehistoric human groups. Here we present the first results of the 2019–2020 excavation seasons.Show less >
Show more >In the early 1980s, Árpád Ringer recognized a Middle Palaeolithic industry, characterized by bifacial tool production, including leaf-shaped elements, belonging to the Micoquian complex of Central and Eastern Europe. He named it Bábonyian after its richest site, Sajóbábony-Méhész-tető. Since the Bábonyian is considered as the possible ancestor of the Szeletian in Hungary. Two excavations were carried out at Sajóbábony in 1986 and 1997. These works unearthed a rich knapped stone industry, thousands of artefacts, embedded in a brown forest soil. This palaeosoil was suggested to be as old as the Last Interglacial (Eemian, MIS 5e). Despite these investigations a lot of questions remained open at the site. To look for answers a very good opportunity has been provided by the archaeological mission project “Le Paléolithique de la Hongrie” funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. This French-Hungarian research project involves 17 specialists of prehistoric archaeology and geosciences from the University of Lille, the Natural History Museum in Paris, the University of Lyon (France), as well as from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, the Herman Ottó Museum in Miskolc, and the University of Miskolc (Hungary). The project has various objectives which aim, for a first quadrennial, to improve our knowledge about the site. The new excavations from 2019 to 2024 provide new data for clarifying the chronostratigraphic position of the industries and the role of taphonomic site formation processes, and for reconstructing the palaeoenvironmental context of the human occupations. The detailed technological and typological study of the lithic assemblages, including the old collections, will be completed by use wear analyses, for reconstructing technical behaviour, cultural traditions and subsistence activities of the prehistoric human groups. Here we present the first results of the 2019–2020 excavation seasons.Show less >
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Peer reviewed article :
Audience :
Popular science :
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