L’area accademica di Scienze della ...
Type de document :
Rapport de recherche
Titre :
L’area accademica di Scienze della comunicazione. Offerta formativa e opportunità lavorative: lo stato dell’arte nel 2017
Auteur(s) :
Palermo, Alessandra [Auteur]
Groupe d'Études et de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Information et COmmunication - ULR 4073 [GERIICO ]
Laboratoire AGORA [AGORA - EA 7392]
CY Cergy Paris Université [CY]
Groupe d'Études et de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Information et COmmunication - ULR 4073 [GERIICO ]
Laboratoire AGORA [AGORA - EA 7392]
CY Cergy Paris Université [CY]
Institution :
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Date de publication :
Langue :
Commentaire :
Unimonitor.com, Observatory on University Education and work in the communications field, was founded in 1997. In that year, the degree course in Communication Sciences of Sapienza dismisses the first graduates and the Observatory aims to monitor trends and employment opportunities, in line with the professional skills required, especially in light of a number of factors affect the relationship between education and work: the university system reform, its effects on a structural level and in the perception of the students, the offer specialist post-graduate (degree courses, masters courses and higher education), the relationship between communication and market, the comparison between old and new profiles. Since 2001, the activities of analysis on training in communication have spread nationwide and, on behalf of the National Conference of Directors and Heads of university structures in Communication Sciences are realized annual monitoring in order to verify the quality of university education.The main Observatory’s task is to create a network that can collaborate to the realization of a data bank on the trend of registrations, dropouts and outside courses, participation in the activities of internships and their effects on the placement and to carry out analysis of longitudinal type. Given the experience of almost twenty years Unimonitor, the Observatory itself as a center of connection and promotion of operational synergies between all research groups active in the field of university education and placement opportunities.
Collections :
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