Multidisciplinary approaches and research ...
Document type :
Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...): Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Title :
Multidisciplinary approaches and research methods: Exploring flooding risk perception and management in Greater Beirut, Lebanon
Author(s) :
Abou Sleiman, Perla [Auteur]
National Council for Scientific Research = Conseil national de la recherche scientifique du Liban [Lebanon] [CNRS-L]
Territoires, Villes, Environnement & Société - ULR 4477 [TVES]
Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale [ULCO]
National Council for Scientific Research = Conseil national de la recherche scientifique du Liban [Lebanon] [CNRS-L]
Territoires, Villes, Environnement & Société - ULR 4477 [TVES]
Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale [ULCO]
Conference title :
35th International Geographical Congress
Conference organizers(s) :
The International Geographical Union (IGU)
Geographical Society of Ireland
Geographical Society of Ireland
City :
Country :
Start date of the conference :
English keyword(s) :
research methods
Flood risk assessment
Flood risk management
Hay El Sellom
Informal settlement
research methods
Flood risk assessment
Flood risk management
Hay El Sellom
Informal settlement
HAL domain(s) :
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Géographie
English abstract : [en]
In the context of this session, our case study focuses on a diversity of approaches used in different fields of geography and sociology to assess flooding risk in Greater Beirut, a city identified by crisis and weak ...
Show more >In the context of this session, our case study focuses on a diversity of approaches used in different fields of geography and sociology to assess flooding risk in Greater Beirut, a city identified by crisis and weak governance. In order to explore the risk perception and management, we use a variety of research methods, including qualitative research, ethnographic techniques, historical imagery analysis, and hazard mapping.Our research approach relies on qualitative methods, primarily semi-directive interviews. Engaging people of Hay El Sellom, an informal settlement, influenced by religion and politics, was a unique challenge. To overcome these hurdles, we used the snowball sampling method, facilitating a comprehensive population survey. Additionally, the ethnographic method is used, emphasizing participant observation for a better understanding of the social group behavior and their territory interaction. All the methods were supplemented by historical flood event study through press archives and consulting documentation centers.The information gathered was processed using various data analysis tools, including architecture, geography and urban planning tools, and software such as SphinxIQ3 and R. Our findings show a complex framework in which risk perception varies greatly depending on individual circumstances, with risk management heavily influenced by the political climate.This research not only provides valuable information for stakeholders in Beirut but also contributes to provide decision-making tools to support stakeholder in their decision-making, in a country where local data availability and accessibility are an issue. This offers a better understanding of the situation, opening the way to explore multidisciplinary approaches and research methods.Show less >
Show more >In the context of this session, our case study focuses on a diversity of approaches used in different fields of geography and sociology to assess flooding risk in Greater Beirut, a city identified by crisis and weak governance. In order to explore the risk perception and management, we use a variety of research methods, including qualitative research, ethnographic techniques, historical imagery analysis, and hazard mapping.Our research approach relies on qualitative methods, primarily semi-directive interviews. Engaging people of Hay El Sellom, an informal settlement, influenced by religion and politics, was a unique challenge. To overcome these hurdles, we used the snowball sampling method, facilitating a comprehensive population survey. Additionally, the ethnographic method is used, emphasizing participant observation for a better understanding of the social group behavior and their territory interaction. All the methods were supplemented by historical flood event study through press archives and consulting documentation centers.The information gathered was processed using various data analysis tools, including architecture, geography and urban planning tools, and software such as SphinxIQ3 and R. Our findings show a complex framework in which risk perception varies greatly depending on individual circumstances, with risk management heavily influenced by the political climate.This research not only provides valuable information for stakeholders in Beirut but also contributes to provide decision-making tools to support stakeholder in their decision-making, in a country where local data availability and accessibility are an issue. This offers a better understanding of the situation, opening the way to explore multidisciplinary approaches and research methods.Show less >
Language :
Peer reviewed article :
Audience :
Popular science :
Source :