Impact of pre-hospital vital parameters ...
Document type :
Article dans une revue scientifique: Article original
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Title :
Impact of pre-hospital vital parameters on the neurological outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: results from the french national cardiac arrest registry
Author(s) :
Javaudin, François [Auteur]
Desce, Natacha [Auteur]
Le Bastard, Quentin [Auteur]
De Carvalho, Hugo [Auteur]
Le Conte, Philippe [Auteur]
Escutnaire, Josephine [Auteur]
Evaluation des technologies de santé et des pratiques médicales - ULR 2694 [METRICS]
Santé publique : épidémiologie et qualité des soins - EA 2694
Hubert, Hervé [Auteur]
Evaluation des technologies de santé et des pratiques médicales - ULR 2694 [METRICS]
METRICS : Evaluation des technologies de santé et des pratiques médicales - ULR 2694
Montassier, Emmanuel [Auteur]
Leclere, Brice [Auteur]
Desce, Natacha [Auteur]
Le Bastard, Quentin [Auteur]
De Carvalho, Hugo [Auteur]
Le Conte, Philippe [Auteur]
Escutnaire, Josephine [Auteur]
Evaluation des technologies de santé et des pratiques médicales - ULR 2694 [METRICS]
Santé publique : épidémiologie et qualité des soins - EA 2694
Hubert, Hervé [Auteur]
Evaluation des technologies de santé et des pratiques médicales - ULR 2694 [METRICS]
METRICS : Evaluation des technologies de santé et des pratiques médicales - ULR 2694
Montassier, Emmanuel [Auteur]
Leclere, Brice [Auteur]
Journal title :
Abbreviated title :
Publication date :
English keyword(s) :
Hemodynamic monitoring
Prehospital emergency care
Vital signs
Out of hospital cardiac arrest
Prehospital emergency care
Vital signs
Out of hospital cardiac arrest
HAL domain(s) :
Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]
English abstract : [en]
The targets for vital parameters following return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) from an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) are based on studies carried out predominantly in intensive care units. Therefore, we studied ...
Show more >The targets for vital parameters following return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) from an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) are based on studies carried out predominantly in intensive care units. Therefore, we studied the pre-hospital phase. We included all adult OHCA from the French OHCA Registry. Vital parameters [peripheral oxygen saturation level (SpO22 When compared with a reference range of 94-98%, SpO222 In comatose patients who have achieved ROSC after OHCA, vital parameters in the pre-hospital phase appear to have a real impact on the 30-day neurological outcome. We found that an SpO22Show less >
Show more >The targets for vital parameters following return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) from an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) are based on studies carried out predominantly in intensive care units. Therefore, we studied the pre-hospital phase. We included all adult OHCA from the French OHCA Registry. Vital parameters [peripheral oxygen saturation level (SpO22 When compared with a reference range of 94-98%, SpO222 In comatose patients who have achieved ROSC after OHCA, vital parameters in the pre-hospital phase appear to have a real impact on the 30-day neurological outcome. We found that an SpO22Show less >
Language :
Audience :
Popular science :
Administrative institution(s) :
CHU Lille
Université de Lille
Université de Lille
Submission date :