Now showing items 1-10 of 19
The level of Ets-1 protein is regulated by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) in cancer cells to prevent DNA damage
PLoS One, 02-2013, 8 (2), e55883Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
The Mediator complex subunit MED25 is targeted by the N-terminal transactivation domain of the PEA3 group members
Nucleic acids research, 05-2013, 41 (9), 4847-4859Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
Research data supporting for "Shadow Technique Algorithm (STA) Sheds a New Light on Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) Microscopy"
ZenodoDonnées de recherchefulltext -
Structural basis for haem piracy from host haemopexin by Haemophilus influenzae
Nature communications, 18-05-2016, 7, 11590Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
The caspase-generated cleavage product of Ets-1 p51 and Ets-1 p27, Cp17, induces apoptosis
Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 04-11-2016, 480 (1), 1-7Article dans une revue scientifique -
Encyclopedia of Cancer
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction) -
Virulence regulation with Venus flytrap domains: structure and function of the periplasmic moiety of the sensor-kinase BvgS
PLoS Pathogens, 03-2015, 11 (3), e1004700Article dans une revue scientifique -
Homozygous MED25 mutation implicated in eye-intellectual disability syndrome
Human Genetics, 06-2015, 134 (6), 577-587Article dans une revue scientifique -
Structure of UBE2Z Enzyme Provides Functional Insight into Specificity in the FAT10 Protein Conjugation Machinery
The Journal of biological chemistry, 08-01-2016, 291 (2), 630-639Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
PEA3 transcription factors are downstream effectors of Met signaling involved in migration and invasiveness of Met-addicted tumor cells
Molecular Oncology, 11-2015, 9 (9), 1852-1867Article dans une revue scientifique