Sensibilité aux tracas quotidiens et ...
Document type :
Article dans une revue scientifique: Article original
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Title :
Sensibilité aux tracas quotidiens et personalité des étudiants: Importance du facteur Névrosisme Abstract
Author(s) :
Nandrino, Jean-Louis [Auteur]
Upres, temps, émotion et cognition
Reveillere, Christian [Auteur]
Université de Tours [UT]
Sailly, François [Auteur]
Upres, temps, émotion et cognition
Moreel, Vincent [Auteur]
Upres, temps, émotion et cognition
Beaune, Daniel [Auteur]
Upres, temps, émotion et cognition

Upres, temps, émotion et cognition
Reveillere, Christian [Auteur]
Université de Tours [UT]
Sailly, François [Auteur]
Upres, temps, émotion et cognition
Moreel, Vincent [Auteur]
Upres, temps, émotion et cognition
Beaune, Daniel [Auteur]
Upres, temps, émotion et cognition
Journal title :
European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée
Volume number :
Pages :
Publication date :
HAL domain(s) :
Sciences cognitives
English abstract : [en]
This project aims at studying the link between personality as assessed by NEO PI-R and sensitivity to daily hassles (minor stressors), as assessed by a well-validated and population-specific scale, in a young student ...
Show more >This project aims at studying the link between personality as assessed by NEO PI-R and sensitivity to daily hassles (minor stressors), as assessed by a well-validated and population-specific scale, in a young student population. Results show a significant correlation between discomfort and frequency of minor stressors, and neuroticism. This study also highlights personality profiles as a function of high or low levels of perceived stress. Students more sensitive to minor stressors differ from less sensitive students in 8 NEO PI-R personality facets (anxiety, hunger-hostility, depression, social shyness, impulsivity, compliance, self-discipline), including the six facets characterizing neuroticism. This study establishes a clear link between personality and perception of stressful factors in the environment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved)Show less >
Show more >This project aims at studying the link between personality as assessed by NEO PI-R and sensitivity to daily hassles (minor stressors), as assessed by a well-validated and population-specific scale, in a young student population. Results show a significant correlation between discomfort and frequency of minor stressors, and neuroticism. This study also highlights personality profiles as a function of high or low levels of perceived stress. Students more sensitive to minor stressors differ from less sensitive students in 8 NEO PI-R personality facets (anxiety, hunger-hostility, depression, social shyness, impulsivity, compliance, self-discipline), including the six facets characterizing neuroticism. This study establishes a clear link between personality and perception of stressful factors in the environment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved)Show less >
Language :
Peer reviewed article :
Audience :
Non spécifiée
Administrative institution(s) :
Université de Lille
CHU Lille
CHU Lille
Collections :
Submission date :
- NandrinoEtAl03tracasREPA.pdf
- Version finale acceptée pour publication (postprint)
- Open access
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