Now showing items 1-10 of 42
Design of bio-based self-stratified coatings targeting flame retardant applications: a systematic approach
Coatings Science International, Noordwijk, 24-06-2019Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...)fulltext -
Life cycle assessment of multi-step versus one-step coating processes using oil or bio-based resins
Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier BV, 01-2020, 242, 118527Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
Pyrolysis modeling, sensitivity analysis, and optimization techniques for combustible materials: A review
Journal of Fire Sciences, SAGE Publications, 07-2019, 37 (4-6), 377-433Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
Intumescent Polymer Metal Laminates for Fire Protection
Polymers, MDPI AG, 06-09-2018, 10 (9), 995Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
Intumescent polypropylene: Interactions between physical and chemical expansion
Fire and Materials, Wiley, 24-11-2019Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
Self-stratified bio-based coatings: Formulation and elucidation of critical parameters governing stratification
Applied Surface Science, Elsevier BV, 15-01-2021, 536, 147687Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
Graphite-based heat exchanger for fouling control in dairy industry
International Conference Carbon 2019, Lexington, KY, 14-07-2019Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...)fulltext -
Intumescent polypropylene: Interactions between physical and chemical expansion
15th International Conference and Exhibition on Fire Science and Engineering, Egham, 01-07-2019Communication dans un congrès avec actesfulltext -
Transparent fire protective sol-gel coating for wood panels
Polymer testing, 06-2022, 110, 107579Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
27th BCC Conference (Flame 2017) - Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Boston (Massachusetts), 05-2017Communication dans un congrès avec actesfulltext