Synthesis of gold nanoparticles within ...
Document type :
Article dans une revue scientifique: Article original
Title :
Synthesis of gold nanoparticles within silica monoliths through irradiation techniques using Au(I) and Au(III) precursors
Author(s) :
Tonelli, M. [Auteur]
Turrell, S. [Auteur]
Laboratoire Avancé de Spectroscopie pour les Intéractions la Réactivité et l'Environnement - UMR 8516 [LASIRE]
Cristini-Robbe, Odile [Auteur]
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules - UMR 8523 [PhLAM]
El Hamzaoui, Hicham [Auteur]
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules - UMR 8523 [PhLAM]
Capoen, Bruno [Auteur]
Photonique [Photonique]
Bouazaoui, Mohamed [Auteur]
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules - UMR 8523 [PhLAM]
Gazzano, Massimo [Auteur]
Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"
Cassani, M.C. [Auteur]
Turrell, S. [Auteur]
Laboratoire Avancé de Spectroscopie pour les Intéractions la Réactivité et l'Environnement - UMR 8516 [LASIRE]
Cristini-Robbe, Odile [Auteur]

Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules - UMR 8523 [PhLAM]
El Hamzaoui, Hicham [Auteur]

Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules - UMR 8523 [PhLAM]
Capoen, Bruno [Auteur]

Photonique [Photonique]
Bouazaoui, Mohamed [Auteur]

Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules - UMR 8523 [PhLAM]
Gazzano, Massimo [Auteur]
Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"
Cassani, M.C. [Auteur]
Journal title :
RSC Advances
Pages :
Publisher :
Royal Society of Chemistry
Publication date :
HAL domain(s) :
Physique [physics]/Physique [physics]/Optique [physics.optics]
English abstract : [en]
The formation of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) within mesoporous silica matrices by means of irradiation techniques is reported. The xerogels were impregnated with solutions of two different gold precursors: (Ph3P)AuCl for ...
Show more >The formation of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) within mesoporous silica matrices by means of irradiation techniques is reported. The xerogels were impregnated with solutions of two different gold precursors: (Ph3P)AuCl for Au(I) and [nBu4N]AuCl4 for Au(III). The irradiations were performed with two continuous wave laser sources (266 and 532 nm), with a femtosecond pulsed laser (800 nm), and with a mercury vapour lamp emitting in the UV region. It has been shown that no reducing agent was ever required to obtain GNP formation. XRD data exhibited the typical patterns of fcc gold, except for two cases involving the Au(I)-doped matrices, where a preferential crystallographic orientation was observed. Excluding the case of the UV irradiations performed on Au(III)-doped samples, we always obtained the formation of roughly spherical and well dispersed GNPs of relatively small size (6-60 nm). The gold-reduction mechanisms proposed depend on the chosen irradiation technique. Moreover, when laser sources are employed, GNP formation can be selectively limited to the irradiated areas, thus making it possible to obtain reproducible patterns of GNPs.Show less >
Show more >The formation of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) within mesoporous silica matrices by means of irradiation techniques is reported. The xerogels were impregnated with solutions of two different gold precursors: (Ph3P)AuCl for Au(I) and [nBu4N]AuCl4 for Au(III). The irradiations were performed with two continuous wave laser sources (266 and 532 nm), with a femtosecond pulsed laser (800 nm), and with a mercury vapour lamp emitting in the UV region. It has been shown that no reducing agent was ever required to obtain GNP formation. XRD data exhibited the typical patterns of fcc gold, except for two cases involving the Au(I)-doped matrices, where a preferential crystallographic orientation was observed. Excluding the case of the UV irradiations performed on Au(III)-doped samples, we always obtained the formation of roughly spherical and well dispersed GNPs of relatively small size (6-60 nm). The gold-reduction mechanisms proposed depend on the chosen irradiation technique. Moreover, when laser sources are employed, GNP formation can be selectively limited to the irradiated areas, thus making it possible to obtain reproducible patterns of GNPs.Show less >
Language :
Peer reviewed article :
Audience :
Popular science :
Source :