Deformation of subduction zones multiphase ...
Document type :
Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...): Conférence plénière
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Title :
Deformation of subduction zones multiphase rocks: in situ, high pressure experiments
Author(s) :
Hilairet, Nadege [Auteur]
Unité Matériaux et Transformations - UMR 8207 [UMET]
Mandolini, Tommaso [Auteur]
Unité Matériaux et Transformations - UMR 8207 [UMET]
Merkel, Sébastien [Auteur]
Unité Matériaux et Transformations - UMR 8207 [UMET]
Tomé, Carlos [Auteur]
Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL]
Chantel, Julien [Auteur]
Unité Matériaux et Transformations - UMR 8207 [UMET]
Guignard, Jeremy [Auteur]
Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie [IRAP]
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility [ESRF]
Crichton, Wilson [Auteur]
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility [ESRF]
Le Godec, Yann [Auteur]
Sorbonne Université [SU]
Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie [IMPMC]
Unité Matériaux et Transformations - UMR 8207 [UMET]
Mandolini, Tommaso [Auteur]
Unité Matériaux et Transformations - UMR 8207 [UMET]
Merkel, Sébastien [Auteur]
Unité Matériaux et Transformations - UMR 8207 [UMET]
Tomé, Carlos [Auteur]
Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL]
Chantel, Julien [Auteur]
Unité Matériaux et Transformations - UMR 8207 [UMET]
Guignard, Jeremy [Auteur]
Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie [IRAP]
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility [ESRF]
Crichton, Wilson [Auteur]
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility [ESRF]
Le Godec, Yann [Auteur]
Sorbonne Université [SU]
Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie [IMPMC]
Conference title :
17th International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry (EMPG-XVII)
Conference organizers(s) :
University of Potsdam
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
City :
Online event
Country :
Start date of the conference :
HAL domain(s) :
Physique [physics]/Matière Condensée [cond-mat]/Science des matériaux [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
Physique [physics]/Physique [physics]/Géophysique [physics.geo-ph]
Physique [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]
Planète et Univers [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]
Planète et Univers [physics]/Sciences de la Terre
Physique [physics]/Matière Condensée [cond-mat]/Science des matériaux [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
Physique [physics]/Physique [physics]/Géophysique [physics.geo-ph]
Physique [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]
Planète et Univers [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]
Planète et Univers [physics]/Sciences de la Terre
English abstract : [en]
Rocks are polymineralic crystalline aggregates. Quantifying and understanding their mechanical behavior remains a challenge because multiple feedbacks are at play in crystalline aggregates between parameters such as ...
Show more >Rocks are polymineralic crystalline aggregates. Quantifying and understanding their mechanical behavior remains a challenge because multiple feedbacks are at play in crystalline aggregates between parameters such as temperature (T), pressure (P) and characteristics such as grain sizes and microstructure. In addition, natural observations and many works emphasize that in polymineralic rocks, heterogeneities in minerals’ mechanical properties induce stress and strain partitioning with dramatic consequences for the global mechanical behaviour. A common approach in rheological studies under high pressures is to investigate monomineralic aggregates as a proxy, and the mineralogical diversity of deep subduction zones aggregates seldom has been considered. Here, I will present how HP deformation experiments with in-situ x-ray measurements and mean field models of polymineralic aggregates can help us with this problem. Questions that can be answered include sorting out which phases are susceptible to control the aggregate behavior and for which mineralogy. To that extent, we investigate the strain (rate) or stress ranges in the rock that can exist due to different elastic and plastic properties of minerals. The microstructural characteristics, part of which can be monitored in-situ, remain crucial when considering these questions. I will illustrate the presentation with high-pressure experiments using in-situ X-Ray measurements, mean field models of aggregates, and our current effort using HP tomography on deformed subduction zones rocks.Show less >
Show more >Rocks are polymineralic crystalline aggregates. Quantifying and understanding their mechanical behavior remains a challenge because multiple feedbacks are at play in crystalline aggregates between parameters such as temperature (T), pressure (P) and characteristics such as grain sizes and microstructure. In addition, natural observations and many works emphasize that in polymineralic rocks, heterogeneities in minerals’ mechanical properties induce stress and strain partitioning with dramatic consequences for the global mechanical behaviour. A common approach in rheological studies under high pressures is to investigate monomineralic aggregates as a proxy, and the mineralogical diversity of deep subduction zones aggregates seldom has been considered. Here, I will present how HP deformation experiments with in-situ x-ray measurements and mean field models of polymineralic aggregates can help us with this problem. Questions that can be answered include sorting out which phases are susceptible to control the aggregate behavior and for which mineralogy. To that extent, we investigate the strain (rate) or stress ranges in the rock that can exist due to different elastic and plastic properties of minerals. The microstructural characteristics, part of which can be monitored in-situ, remain crucial when considering these questions. I will illustrate the presentation with high-pressure experiments using in-situ X-Ray measurements, mean field models of aggregates, and our current effort using HP tomography on deformed subduction zones rocks.Show less >
Language :
Peer reviewed article :
Audience :
Popular science :
Administrative institution(s) :
Université de Lille
Collections :
Research team(s) :
Matériaux Terrestres et Planétaires
Submission date :