Assessing the insulating properties of an ...
Document type :
Compte-rendu et recension critique d'ouvrage
Title :
Assessing the insulating properties of an ultrathin SrTiO3 shell grown around GaAs nanowires with molecular beam epitaxy
Author(s) :
Peric, Nemanja [Auteur]
Institut d’Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie - UMR 8520 [IEMN]
Dursap, Thomas [Auteur]
INL - Matériaux Fonctionnels et Nanostructures [INL - MFN]
Becdelievre, Jeanne [Auteur]
INL - Hétéroepitaxie et Nanostructures [INL - H&N]
Berthe, Maxime [Auteur]
Institut d’Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie - UMR 8520 [IEMN]
Plateforme de Caractérisation Multi-Physiques - IEMN [PCMP - IEMN]
Addad, A. [Auteur]
Unité Matériaux et Transformations - UMR 8207 [UMET]
Rojo Romeo, Pedro [Auteur]
INL - Nanophotonique [INL - Photonique]
Bachelet, Romain [Auteur]
INL - Matériaux Fonctionnels et Nanostructures [INL - MFN]
Saint-Girons, Guillaume [Auteur]
INL - Matériaux Fonctionnels et Nanostructures [INL - MFN]
Lancry, Ophélie [Auteur]
HORIBA France SAS [Villeneuve d'Ascq]
HORIBA Scientific [France]
Legendre, Sébastien [Auteur]
HORIBA Scientific [France]
HORIBA France SAS [Villeneuve d'Ascq]
Biadala, Louis [Auteur]
Institut d’Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie - UMR 8520 [IEMN]
Penuelas, Jose [Auteur]
INL - Matériaux Fonctionnels et Nanostructures [INL - MFN]
Grandidier, Bruno [Auteur correspondant]
Institut d’Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie - UMR 8520 [IEMN]
Institut d’Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie - UMR 8520 [IEMN]
Dursap, Thomas [Auteur]
INL - Matériaux Fonctionnels et Nanostructures [INL - MFN]
Becdelievre, Jeanne [Auteur]
INL - Hétéroepitaxie et Nanostructures [INL - H&N]
Berthe, Maxime [Auteur]
Institut d’Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie - UMR 8520 [IEMN]
Plateforme de Caractérisation Multi-Physiques - IEMN [PCMP - IEMN]
Addad, A. [Auteur]
Unité Matériaux et Transformations - UMR 8207 [UMET]
Rojo Romeo, Pedro [Auteur]
INL - Nanophotonique [INL - Photonique]
Bachelet, Romain [Auteur]
INL - Matériaux Fonctionnels et Nanostructures [INL - MFN]
Saint-Girons, Guillaume [Auteur]
INL - Matériaux Fonctionnels et Nanostructures [INL - MFN]
Lancry, Ophélie [Auteur]
HORIBA France SAS [Villeneuve d'Ascq]
HORIBA Scientific [France]
Legendre, Sébastien [Auteur]
HORIBA Scientific [France]
HORIBA France SAS [Villeneuve d'Ascq]
Biadala, Louis [Auteur]
Institut d’Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie - UMR 8520 [IEMN]
Penuelas, Jose [Auteur]
INL - Matériaux Fonctionnels et Nanostructures [INL - MFN]
Grandidier, Bruno [Auteur correspondant]
Institut d’Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie - UMR 8520 [IEMN]
Journal title :
Pages :
Publisher :
Institute of Physics
Publication date :
English keyword(s) :
core-shell nanowire
functional oxides
transport properties
multiple-tip scanning tunneling microscopy
functional oxides
transport properties
multiple-tip scanning tunneling microscopy
HAL domain(s) :
Sciences de l'ingénieur [physics]
English abstract : [en]
We have studied electronic transport in undoped GaAs/SrTiO3 core-shell nanowires standing on their Si substrate with two-tip scanning tunneling microscopy in ultrahigh vacuum. The resistance profile along the nanowires is ...
Show more >We have studied electronic transport in undoped GaAs/SrTiO3 core-shell nanowires standing on their Si substrate with two-tip scanning tunneling microscopy in ultrahigh vacuum. The resistance profile along the nanowires is proportional to the tip separation with resistances per unit length of a few GΩ/um. Examination of the different transport pathways parallel to the nanowire growth axis reveals that the measured resistance is consistent with a conduction along the interfacial states at the GaAs{110} sidewalls, the 2 nm-thick SrTiO3 shell being as much as resistive, despite oxygen deficient growth conditions. The origin of the shell resistivity is discussed in light of the nanowire analysis with transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, providing good grounds for the use of SrTiO3 shells as gate insulators.Show less >
Show more >We have studied electronic transport in undoped GaAs/SrTiO3 core-shell nanowires standing on their Si substrate with two-tip scanning tunneling microscopy in ultrahigh vacuum. The resistance profile along the nanowires is proportional to the tip separation with resistances per unit length of a few GΩ/um. Examination of the different transport pathways parallel to the nanowire growth axis reveals that the measured resistance is consistent with a conduction along the interfacial states at the GaAs{110} sidewalls, the 2 nm-thick SrTiO3 shell being as much as resistive, despite oxygen deficient growth conditions. The origin of the shell resistivity is discussed in light of the nanowire analysis with transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, providing good grounds for the use of SrTiO3 shells as gate insulators.Show less >
Language :
Popular science :
ANR Project :
Source :
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