Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Groups and ...
Document type :
Article dans une revue scientifique: Article original
Title :
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Groups and Metabolic Syndrome in European Adolescents: The HELENA Study
Author(s) :
Iguacel, Isabel [Auteur]
Universidad de Zaragoza = University of Zaragoza [Saragossa University] = Université de Saragosse
Börnhorst, Claudia [Auteur]
Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS
Michels, Nathalie [Auteur]
Universiteit Gent = Ghent University = Université de Gand [UGENT]
Breidenassel, Christina [Auteur]
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid [UPM]
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Dallongeville, Jean [Auteur]
Facteurs de Risque et Déterminants Moléculaires des Maladies liées au Vieillissement - U 1167 [RID-AGE]
Institut Pasteur de Lille
González-Gross, Marcela [Auteur]
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid [UPM]
Gottrand, Frédéric [Auteur]
Lille Inflammation Research International Center - U 995 [LIRIC]
Kafatos, Anthony [Auteur]
University of Crete [Heraklion] [UOC]
Karaglani, Eva [Auteur]
Harokopio University of Athens
Kersting, Mathilde [Auteur]
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
de Henauw, Stefaan [Auteur]
Universiteit Gent = Ghent University = Université de Gand [UGENT]
Lambrinou, Christina-Paulina [Auteur]
University of Crete [Heraklion] [UOC]
Mistura, Lorenza [Auteur]
Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria = Council for Agricultural Research and Economics [CREA]
Molnár, Denes [Auteur]
University of Pecs
Nova, Esther [Auteur]
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas [España] = Spanish National Research Council [Spain] [CSIC]
Gunter, Marc [Auteur]
Centre International de Recherche contre le Cancer - International Agency for Research on Cancer [CIRC - IARC]
de la O Puerta, Alejandro [Auteur]
Universidad de Granada = University of Granada [UGR]
Rupérez, Azahara [Auteur]
Universidad de Zaragoza = University of Zaragoza [Saragossa University] = Université de Saragosse
Widhalm, Kurt [Auteur]
Universität Wien = University of Vienna
Huybrechts, Inge [Auteur]
Centre International de Recherche contre le Cancer - International Agency for Research on Cancer [CIRC - IARC]
Universiteit Gent = Ghent University = Université de Gand [UGENT]
Moreno, Luis [Auteur]
Universidad de Zaragoza = University of Zaragoza [Saragossa University] = Université de Saragosse
Universidad de Zaragoza = University of Zaragoza [Saragossa University] = Université de Saragosse
Börnhorst, Claudia [Auteur]
Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS
Michels, Nathalie [Auteur]
Universiteit Gent = Ghent University = Université de Gand [UGENT]
Breidenassel, Christina [Auteur]
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid [UPM]
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Dallongeville, Jean [Auteur]

Facteurs de Risque et Déterminants Moléculaires des Maladies liées au Vieillissement - U 1167 [RID-AGE]
Institut Pasteur de Lille
González-Gross, Marcela [Auteur]
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid [UPM]
Gottrand, Frédéric [Auteur]
Lille Inflammation Research International Center - U 995 [LIRIC]
Kafatos, Anthony [Auteur]
University of Crete [Heraklion] [UOC]
Karaglani, Eva [Auteur]
Harokopio University of Athens
Kersting, Mathilde [Auteur]
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
de Henauw, Stefaan [Auteur]
Universiteit Gent = Ghent University = Université de Gand [UGENT]
Lambrinou, Christina-Paulina [Auteur]
University of Crete [Heraklion] [UOC]
Mistura, Lorenza [Auteur]
Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria = Council for Agricultural Research and Economics [CREA]
Molnár, Denes [Auteur]
University of Pecs
Nova, Esther [Auteur]
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas [España] = Spanish National Research Council [Spain] [CSIC]
Gunter, Marc [Auteur]
Centre International de Recherche contre le Cancer - International Agency for Research on Cancer [CIRC - IARC]
de la O Puerta, Alejandro [Auteur]
Universidad de Granada = University of Granada [UGR]
Rupérez, Azahara [Auteur]
Universidad de Zaragoza = University of Zaragoza [Saragossa University] = Université de Saragosse
Widhalm, Kurt [Auteur]
Universität Wien = University of Vienna
Huybrechts, Inge [Auteur]
Centre International de Recherche contre le Cancer - International Agency for Research on Cancer [CIRC - IARC]
Universiteit Gent = Ghent University = Université de Gand [UGENT]
Moreno, Luis [Auteur]
Universidad de Zaragoza = University of Zaragoza [Saragossa University] = Université de Saragosse
Journal title :
Journal of Adolescent Health
Pages :
Publisher :
Publication date :
English keyword(s) :
Metabolic syndrome
Modifiable lifestyle indicators
Socioeconomic disadvantages
Socioeconomic status
Modifiable lifestyle indicators
Socioeconomic disadvantages
Socioeconomic status
HAL domain(s) :
Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]
English abstract : [en]
Purpose: Psychosocial stressors derived from socioeconomic disadvantages in adolescents can result in higher risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS). We aimed to examine whether socioeconomic disadvantages were associated with ...
Show more >Purpose: Psychosocial stressors derived from socioeconomic disadvantages in adolescents can result in higher risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS). We aimed to examine whether socioeconomic disadvantages were associated with MetS independent of lifestyle and whether there was a dose-response relationship between the number of cumulated socioeconomic disadvantages and risk of MetS.Methods: This study included 1,037 European adolescents (aged 12.5-17.5 years). Sociodemographic variables and lifestyle were assessed by self-reported questionnaires. Disadvantaged groups included adolescents with low-educated parents, low family affluence, migrant origin, unemployed parents, and nontraditional families. MetS risk score was calculated as the sum of sex- and age-specific z-scores of waist circumference, blood pressure, lipids, and insulin resistance. Linear mixed-effects models adjusted for sex, age, pubertal status, and lifestyle were used to study the association between social disadvantages and MetS risk score.Results: Adolescents with low-educated mothers showed a higher MetS score (.54 [.09-.98]; β estimate and 99% confidence interval) compared to those with high-educated mothers. Adolescents who accumulated more than three disadvantages (.69 [.08-1.31]) or with missing information on disadvantages (.72 [.04-1.40]) had a higher MetS risk score compared to nonsocioeconomically disadvantaged groups. Stronger associations between socioeconomic disadvantages and MetS were found in male than in female adolescents.Conclusions: Adolescents with low-educated mothers or with more than three socioeconomic disadvantages had a higher MetS risk, independent of lifestyle, potentially due to higher psychosocial stress exposure. Policy makers should focus on improving low-educated familiesa and more disadvantaged families' knowledge on nutrition and physical activity to help them cope better with stress.Show less >
Show more >Purpose: Psychosocial stressors derived from socioeconomic disadvantages in adolescents can result in higher risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS). We aimed to examine whether socioeconomic disadvantages were associated with MetS independent of lifestyle and whether there was a dose-response relationship between the number of cumulated socioeconomic disadvantages and risk of MetS.Methods: This study included 1,037 European adolescents (aged 12.5-17.5 years). Sociodemographic variables and lifestyle were assessed by self-reported questionnaires. Disadvantaged groups included adolescents with low-educated parents, low family affluence, migrant origin, unemployed parents, and nontraditional families. MetS risk score was calculated as the sum of sex- and age-specific z-scores of waist circumference, blood pressure, lipids, and insulin resistance. Linear mixed-effects models adjusted for sex, age, pubertal status, and lifestyle were used to study the association between social disadvantages and MetS risk score.Results: Adolescents with low-educated mothers showed a higher MetS score (.54 [.09-.98]; β estimate and 99% confidence interval) compared to those with high-educated mothers. Adolescents who accumulated more than three disadvantages (.69 [.08-1.31]) or with missing information on disadvantages (.72 [.04-1.40]) had a higher MetS risk score compared to nonsocioeconomically disadvantaged groups. Stronger associations between socioeconomic disadvantages and MetS were found in male than in female adolescents.Conclusions: Adolescents with low-educated mothers or with more than three socioeconomic disadvantages had a higher MetS risk, independent of lifestyle, potentially due to higher psychosocial stress exposure. Policy makers should focus on improving low-educated familiesa and more disadvantaged families' knowledge on nutrition and physical activity to help them cope better with stress.Show less >
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Peer reviewed article :
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Popular science :
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