The psychological microfoundations of ...
Type de document :
Compte-rendu et recension critique d'ouvrage
Titre :
The psychological microfoundations of corporate social responsibility: A person-centric systematic review
Auteur(s) :
Gond, Jean-Pascal [Auteur]
El Akremi, Assâad [Auteur]
Toulouse School of Management Research [TSM]
Swaen, Valérie [Auteur]
Lille économie management - UMR 9221 [LEM]
Babu, Nishat [Auteur]
El Akremi, Assâad [Auteur]
Toulouse School of Management Research [TSM]
Swaen, Valérie [Auteur]
Lille économie management - UMR 9221 [LEM]
Babu, Nishat [Auteur]
Titre de la revue :
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Pagination :
225 - 246
Éditeur :
Date de publication :
Mot(s)-clé(s) en anglais :
corporate social responsibility
Discipline(s) HAL :
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Gestion et management
Résumé en anglais : [en]
This article aims to consolidate the psychological microfoundations of corporate social responsibility (CSR)by taking stock and evaluating the recent surge of person-focused CSR research. With a systematic review,the authors ...
Lire la suite >This article aims to consolidate the psychological microfoundations of corporate social responsibility (CSR)by taking stock and evaluating the recent surge of person-focused CSR research. With a systematic review,the authors identify, synthesize, and organize three streams of micro-CSR studies—focused on (i) individualdrivers of CSR engagement, (ii) individual processes of CSR evaluations, and (iii) individual reactions toCSR initiatives—into a coherent behavioral framework. This review highlights significant gaps, methodologicalissues, and imbalances in the treatment of the three components in prior micro-CSR research. It uncoversthe need to conceptualize how multiple drivers of CSR interact and how the plurality of mechanisms andboundary conditions that can explain individual reactions to CSR might be integrated theoretically. Byorganizing micro-CSR studies into a coherent framework, this review also reveals the lack of connectionswithin and between substreams of micro-CSR research; to tackle them, this article proposes an agenda forfurther research, focused on six key challengesLire moins >
Lire la suite >This article aims to consolidate the psychological microfoundations of corporate social responsibility (CSR)by taking stock and evaluating the recent surge of person-focused CSR research. With a systematic review,the authors identify, synthesize, and organize three streams of micro-CSR studies—focused on (i) individualdrivers of CSR engagement, (ii) individual processes of CSR evaluations, and (iii) individual reactions toCSR initiatives—into a coherent behavioral framework. This review highlights significant gaps, methodologicalissues, and imbalances in the treatment of the three components in prior micro-CSR research. It uncoversthe need to conceptualize how multiple drivers of CSR interact and how the plurality of mechanisms andboundary conditions that can explain individual reactions to CSR might be integrated theoretically. Byorganizing micro-CSR studies into a coherent framework, this review also reveals the lack of connectionswithin and between substreams of micro-CSR research; to tackle them, this article proposes an agenda forfurther research, focused on six key challengesLire moins >
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