Interoceptive reliance as a major determinant ...
Document type :
Article dans une revue scientifique: Article original
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Title :
Interoceptive reliance as a major determinant of emotional eating in adult obesity
Author(s) :
Willem, Clemence [Auteur]
Laboratoire Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives - UMR 9193 [SCALab]
Nandrino, Jean-Louis [Auteur]
Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives (SCALab) - UMR 9193
Laboratoire Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives - UMR 9193 [SCALab]
Doba, Karyn [Auteur]
Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives (SCALab) - UMR 9193
Laboratoire Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives - UMR 9193 [SCALab]
Roussel, Méline [Auteur]
Triquet, Claire [Auteur]
Verkindt, Hélène [Auteur]
Pattou, François [Auteur]
Gandolphe, Marie-Charlotte [Auteur]
Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives (SCALab) - UMR 9193
Laboratoire Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives - UMR 9193 [SCALab]
Laboratoire Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives - UMR 9193 [SCALab]
Nandrino, Jean-Louis [Auteur]
Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives (SCALab) - UMR 9193
Laboratoire Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives - UMR 9193 [SCALab]
Doba, Karyn [Auteur]
Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives (SCALab) - UMR 9193
Laboratoire Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives - UMR 9193 [SCALab]
Roussel, Méline [Auteur]
Triquet, Claire [Auteur]
Verkindt, Hélène [Auteur]
Pattou, François [Auteur]
Gandolphe, Marie-Charlotte [Auteur]
Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives (SCALab) - UMR 9193
Laboratoire Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives - UMR 9193 [SCALab]
Journal title :
Journal of Health Psychology
Abbreviated title :
J Health Psychol
Volume number :
Publisher :
SAGE Publications
Publication date :
HAL domain(s) :
Sciences cognitives
English abstract : [en]
This study examined the association between emotional eating, emotion dysregulations, and interoceptive sensibility in 116 patients with obesity by distinguishing an “awareness” and a “reliance” component of interoceptive ...
Show more >This study examined the association between emotional eating, emotion dysregulations, and interoceptive sensibility in 116 patients with obesity by distinguishing an “awareness” and a “reliance” component of interoceptive sensibility. Deficits in interoceptive awareness were only associated with more emotional eating in obesity through less interoceptive reliance and more emotion dysregulations. The results suggest that good interoceptive awareness can increase the risk of emotional eating if not supported by good interoceptive reliance. Interoceptive reliance, like the ability to trust, positively consider, and positively use inner sensations, should be a privileged target of psychotherapeutic interventions in obesity.Show less >
Show more >This study examined the association between emotional eating, emotion dysregulations, and interoceptive sensibility in 116 patients with obesity by distinguishing an “awareness” and a “reliance” component of interoceptive sensibility. Deficits in interoceptive awareness were only associated with more emotional eating in obesity through less interoceptive reliance and more emotion dysregulations. The results suggest that good interoceptive awareness can increase the risk of emotional eating if not supported by good interoceptive reliance. Interoceptive reliance, like the ability to trust, positively consider, and positively use inner sensations, should be a privileged target of psychotherapeutic interventions in obesity.Show less >
Language :
Peer reviewed article :
Audience :
Popular science :
Administrative institution(s) :
Université de Lille
CHU Lille
CHU Lille
Research team(s) :
Équipe Dynamique Émotionnelle et Pathologies (DEEP)
Submission date :
- Willem et al. 2021.pdf
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