Reduced PPARγ2 expression in adipose tissue ...
Type de document :
Article dans une revue scientifique: Article original
Titre :
Reduced PPARγ2 expression in adipose tissue of male rat offspring from obese dams is associated with epigenetic modifications
Auteur(s) :
Lecoutre, Simon [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Pourpe, Charlène [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Butruille, Laura [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Marousez, Lucie [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Laborie, Christine [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Guinez, Céline [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Lesage, Jean [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Vieau, didier [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Eeckhoute, Jerome [Auteur]
Récepteurs Nucléaires, Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires - U 1011 [RNMCD]
Récepteurs nucléaires, maladies cardiovasculaires et diabète - U 1011 [RNMCD]
Gabory, Anne [Auteur]
Biologie du Développement et Reproduction [BDR]
Université Paris-Saclay
Oger, Frédérik [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Eberlé, Delphine [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Breton, Christophe [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Pourpe, Charlène [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Butruille, Laura [Auteur]

Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Marousez, Lucie [Auteur]

Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Laborie, Christine [Auteur]

Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Guinez, Céline [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Lesage, Jean [Auteur]

Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Vieau, didier [Auteur]

Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Eeckhoute, Jerome [Auteur]

Récepteurs Nucléaires, Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires - U 1011 [RNMCD]
Récepteurs nucléaires, maladies cardiovasculaires et diabète - U 1011 [RNMCD]
Gabory, Anne [Auteur]
Biologie du Développement et Reproduction [BDR]
Université Paris-Saclay
Oger, Frédérik [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Eberlé, Delphine [Auteur]
Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Breton, Christophe [Auteur]

Environnement périnatal et croissance - EA 4489 [EPS]
Titre de la revue :
FASEB Journal
Pagination :
Éditeur :
Federation of American Society of Experimental Biology
Date de publication :
Mot(s)-clé(s) :
fat expansion
Mot(s)-clé(s) en anglais :
gene regulation
perinatal programming
gene regulation
perinatal programming
Discipline(s) HAL :
Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]
Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire
Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire
Résumé en anglais : [en]
According to the Developmental Origin of Health and Disease (DOHaD) concept, maternal obesity and accelerated growth in neonates program obesity later in life. White adipose tissue (WAT) has been the focus of developmental ...
Lire la suite >According to the Developmental Origin of Health and Disease (DOHaD) concept, maternal obesity and accelerated growth in neonates program obesity later in life. White adipose tissue (WAT) has been the focus of developmental programming events, although underlying mechanisms remain elusive. In rodents, WAT development primarily occurs during lactation. We previously reported that adult rat offspring from dams fed a high-fat (HF) diet exhibited fat accumulation and decreased peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g (PPARg) mRNA levels in WAT. We hypothesized that PPARg down-regulation occurs via epigenetic malprogramming which takes place during adipogenesis. We therefore examined epigenetic modifications in the PPARg1 and PPARg2 promoters in perirenal (pWAT) and inguinal fat pads of HF offspring at weaning (postnatal d 21) and in adulthood. Postnatal d 21 is a period characterized by active epigenomic remodeling in the PPARg2 promoter (DNA hyper-methylation and depletion in active histone modification H3ac and H3K4me3) in pWAT, consistent with increased DNA methyltransferase and DNA methylation activities. Adult HF offspring exhibited sustained hypermethylation and histone modification H3ac of the PPARg2 promoter in both deposits, correlated with persistent decreased PPARg2 mRNA levels. Consistent with the DOHaD hypothesis, retained epigenetic marks provide a mechanistic basis for the cellular memory linking maternal obesity to a predisposition for later adiposity.-Lire moins >
Lire la suite >According to the Developmental Origin of Health and Disease (DOHaD) concept, maternal obesity and accelerated growth in neonates program obesity later in life. White adipose tissue (WAT) has been the focus of developmental programming events, although underlying mechanisms remain elusive. In rodents, WAT development primarily occurs during lactation. We previously reported that adult rat offspring from dams fed a high-fat (HF) diet exhibited fat accumulation and decreased peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g (PPARg) mRNA levels in WAT. We hypothesized that PPARg down-regulation occurs via epigenetic malprogramming which takes place during adipogenesis. We therefore examined epigenetic modifications in the PPARg1 and PPARg2 promoters in perirenal (pWAT) and inguinal fat pads of HF offspring at weaning (postnatal d 21) and in adulthood. Postnatal d 21 is a period characterized by active epigenomic remodeling in the PPARg2 promoter (DNA hyper-methylation and depletion in active histone modification H3ac and H3K4me3) in pWAT, consistent with increased DNA methyltransferase and DNA methylation activities. Adult HF offspring exhibited sustained hypermethylation and histone modification H3ac of the PPARg2 promoter in both deposits, correlated with persistent decreased PPARg2 mRNA levels. Consistent with the DOHaD hypothesis, retained epigenetic marks provide a mechanistic basis for the cellular memory linking maternal obesity to a predisposition for later adiposity.-Lire moins >
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