Profilage de navigateurs : état de l’art ...
Document type :
Partie d'ouvrage
Title :
Profilage de navigateurs : état de l’art et contre-mesures
Author(s) :
Baudry, Benoit [Auteur]
KTH Royal Institute of Technology [Stockholm] [KTH ]
Bromberg, Yérom-David [Auteur]
the World Is Distributed Exploring the tension between scale and coordination [WIDE]
Frey, Davide [Auteur]
the World Is Distributed Exploring the tension between scale and coordination [WIDE]
Gómez-Boix, Alejandro [Auteur]
Diversity-centric Software Engineering [DiverSe]
Laperdrix, Pierre [Auteur]
Self-adaptation for distributed services and large software systems [SPIRALS]
Taïani, François [Auteur]
the World Is Distributed Exploring the tension between scale and coordination [WIDE]
KTH Royal Institute of Technology [Stockholm] [KTH ]
Bromberg, Yérom-David [Auteur]
the World Is Distributed Exploring the tension between scale and coordination [WIDE]
Frey, Davide [Auteur]
the World Is Distributed Exploring the tension between scale and coordination [WIDE]
Gómez-Boix, Alejandro [Auteur]
Diversity-centric Software Engineering [DiverSe]
Laperdrix, Pierre [Auteur]
Self-adaptation for distributed services and large software systems [SPIRALS]
Taïani, François [Auteur]
the World Is Distributed Exploring the tension between scale and coordination [WIDE]
Scientific editor(s) :
Sandrine Turgis
Alexandra Bensamoun
Maryline Boizard
Alexandra Bensamoun
Maryline Boizard
Book title :
Le profilage en ligne : entre libéralisme et régulation
Publisher :
Mare et Martin
Publication date :
HAL domain(s) :
Informatique [cs]/Calcul parallèle, distribué et partagé [cs.DC]
Language :
Audience :
Popular science :
Collections :
Source :