Changes in Emotions from Childhood to Young ...
Type de document :
Article dans une revue scientifique: Article original
Titre :
Changes in Emotions from Childhood to Young Adulthood
Auteur(s) :
Martin-Krumm, Charles [Auteur correspondant]
Activité Physique, Corps, Sport et Santé [APCOSS]
Cognitions Humaine et ARTificielle [CHART]
Maladies chroniques, santé perçue, et processus d'adaptation [APEMAC]
Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées [Brétigny-sur-Orge] [IRBA]
Centre de Recherche sur l'Education, les apprentissages et la didactique [CREAD]
Fenouillet, Fabien [Auteur]
Cognitions Humaine et ARTificielle (Nanterre) [CHArt - Université Paris Nanterre]
Csillik, Antonia [Auteur]
Clinique, Psychanalyse, Développement [CliPsyD]
Kern, Laurence [Auteur]
Centre de Recherche sur le Sport et le Mouvement [CeRSM]
Besançon, Maud [Auteur]
Cognitions Humaine et ARTificielle (Nanterre) [CHArt - Université Paris Nanterre]
Heutte, Jean [Auteur]
Paquet, Yvan [Auteur]
Déterminants Interculturels de la Motricité et de la Performance Sportive [DIMPS]
Ingénierie, Recherche et Intervention, Sport Santé et Environnement [IRISSE]
Delas, Yann [Auteur]
Centre de Recherche sur l'Education, les apprentissages et la didactique [CREAD]
Trousselard, Marion [Auteur]
Département des Facteurs Humains
Lecorre, Bernard [Auteur]
Institut Formation Education Physique et Sportive Angers [IFEPSA]
Diener, Ed [Auteur]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [Urbana] [UIUC]
Activité Physique, Corps, Sport et Santé [APCOSS]
Cognitions Humaine et ARTificielle [CHART]
Maladies chroniques, santé perçue, et processus d'adaptation [APEMAC]
Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées [Brétigny-sur-Orge] [IRBA]
Centre de Recherche sur l'Education, les apprentissages et la didactique [CREAD]
Fenouillet, Fabien [Auteur]
Cognitions Humaine et ARTificielle (Nanterre) [CHArt - Université Paris Nanterre]
Csillik, Antonia [Auteur]
Clinique, Psychanalyse, Développement [CliPsyD]
Kern, Laurence [Auteur]
Centre de Recherche sur le Sport et le Mouvement [CeRSM]
Besançon, Maud [Auteur]
Cognitions Humaine et ARTificielle (Nanterre) [CHArt - Université Paris Nanterre]
Heutte, Jean [Auteur]

Paquet, Yvan [Auteur]
Déterminants Interculturels de la Motricité et de la Performance Sportive [DIMPS]
Ingénierie, Recherche et Intervention, Sport Santé et Environnement [IRISSE]
Delas, Yann [Auteur]
Centre de Recherche sur l'Education, les apprentissages et la didactique [CREAD]
Trousselard, Marion [Auteur]
Département des Facteurs Humains
Lecorre, Bernard [Auteur]
Institut Formation Education Physique et Sportive Angers [IFEPSA]
Diener, Ed [Auteur]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [Urbana] [UIUC]
Titre de la revue :
Child Indicators Research
Pagination :
Éditeur :
Springer Verlag
Date de publication :
Mot(s)-clé(s) en anglais :
Gender differences
Subjective well-being
Positive affect
Negative affect
Subjective well-being
Positive affect
Negative affect
Discipline(s) HAL :
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Education
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Psychologie
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Psychologie
Résumé en anglais : [en]
Emotional well-being is particularly impo rtant in teenagers and youngadults. Childhood and adolescence provide opportunities to develop the foundationsfor mental health and the school is an important mean that can enable ...
Lire la suite >Emotional well-being is particularly impo rtant in teenagers and youngadults. Childhood and adolescence provide opportunities to develop the foundationsfor mental health and the school is an important mean that can enable it. It seemsimportant to examine the evolution and differences in positive and negative emotionsand experiences in adolescents and young adults in educational settings, which havereceived less interest in the literature. The main goal of this article (studies 2 and 3), is to explore the evolution and age and gender differences in children, adolescents andyoung adults and to assess on the short-term positive affects in the French schoolsystem. A second goal of this article is to assess the validity and reliability of the Scaleof Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE, Diener et al. 2010) in French in order toreach our main goal. The SPANE was translated and then evaluated in a sample of 1999students. Results show adequate psychometric properties of the French version. Theresults of the second and third studies show that positive emotions decline and negativeemotions increase and that women experience on average more negative emotions andless positive emotions than men. The overall results highlight the importance ofpromoting well-being during adolescence.Lire moins >
Lire la suite >Emotional well-being is particularly impo rtant in teenagers and youngadults. Childhood and adolescence provide opportunities to develop the foundationsfor mental health and the school is an important mean that can enable it. It seemsimportant to examine the evolution and differences in positive and negative emotionsand experiences in adolescents and young adults in educational settings, which havereceived less interest in the literature. The main goal of this article (studies 2 and 3), is to explore the evolution and age and gender differences in children, adolescents andyoung adults and to assess on the short-term positive affects in the French schoolsystem. A second goal of this article is to assess the validity and reliability of the Scaleof Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE, Diener et al. 2010) in French in order toreach our main goal. The SPANE was translated and then evaluated in a sample of 1999students. Results show adequate psychometric properties of the French version. Theresults of the second and third studies show that positive emotions decline and negativeemotions increase and that women experience on average more negative emotions andless positive emotions than men. The overall results highlight the importance ofpromoting well-being during adolescence.Lire moins >
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