Microbial food web dynamics in response ...
Type de document :
Article dans une revue scientifique: Article original
Titre :
Microbial food web dynamics in response to a Saharan dust event: results from a mesocosm study in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea
Auteur(s) :
Pulido-Villena, Elvira [Auteur correspondant]
Institut méditerranéen d'océanologie [MIO]
Baudoux, Anne-Claire [Auteur]
Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin (LEMAR) [LEMAR]
Obernosterer, I [Auteur]
Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbienne [LOMIC]
Landa, M [Auteur]
Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbienne [LOMIC]
Caparros, J [Auteur]
Laboratoire d'Ecogéochimie des environnements benthiques [LECOB]
Catala, P [Auteur]
Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbienne [LOMIC]
Georges, C [Auteur]
Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences (LOG) - UMR 8187 [LOG]
Harmand, Jérôme [Auteur]
Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l'Environnement [Narbonne] [LBE]
Modelling and Optimisation of the Dynamics of Ecosystems with MICro-organisme [MODEMIC]
Guieu, C [Auteur]
Laboratoire d'océanographie de Villefranche [LOV]
Institut méditerranéen d'océanologie [MIO]
Baudoux, Anne-Claire [Auteur]
Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin (LEMAR) [LEMAR]
Obernosterer, I [Auteur]
Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbienne [LOMIC]
Landa, M [Auteur]
Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbienne [LOMIC]
Caparros, J [Auteur]
Laboratoire d'Ecogéochimie des environnements benthiques [LECOB]
Catala, P [Auteur]
Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbienne [LOMIC]
Georges, C [Auteur]
Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences (LOG) - UMR 8187 [LOG]
Harmand, Jérôme [Auteur]
Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l'Environnement [Narbonne] [LBE]
Modelling and Optimisation of the Dynamics of Ecosystems with MICro-organisme [MODEMIC]
Guieu, C [Auteur]
Laboratoire d'océanographie de Villefranche [LOV]
Titre de la revue :
Pagination :
5607 - 5619
Éditeur :
European Geosciences Union
Date de publication :
Discipline(s) HAL :
Planète et Univers [physics]
Sciences de l'environnement/Biodiversité et Ecologie
Planète et Univers [physics]/Océan, Atmosphère
Sciences de l'environnement/Biodiversité et Ecologie
Planète et Univers [physics]/Océan, Atmosphère
Résumé en anglais : [en]
The significant impact of dust deposition on het-erotrophic bacterial dynamics in the surface oligotrophic ocean has recently been evidenced. Considering the central role of bacteria in the microbial loop, it is likely ...
Lire la suite >The significant impact of dust deposition on het-erotrophic bacterial dynamics in the surface oligotrophic ocean has recently been evidenced. Considering the central role of bacteria in the microbial loop, it is likely that dust deposition also affects the structure and the functioning of the whole microbial food web. In the frame of the DUNE project, aiming to estimate the impact of dust deposition on the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea through mesocosm ex-periments, the main goal of the present paper was to as-sess how two successive dust deposition events affect the dynamics of the microbial food web. The first dust seeding delivered new P and N to the amended mesocosms and re-sulted in a pronounced stimulation of bacterial respiration. It also induced pronounced, but transient, changes in the bac-terial community composition. No significant effects were observed on the abundances of viruses and heterotrophic nanoflagellates. The second dust seeding also delivered new P and N to the amended mesocosms, but the effect on the microbial food web was very different. Bacterial respira-tion remained constant and bacterial abundance decreased. Compositional changes following the second seeding were minor compared to the first one. The decrease in bacterial abundance coincided with an increase in virus abundance, resulting in higher virus : bacteria ratios throughout the sec-ond seeding period. Our study shows that dust deposition to the surface oligotrophic ocean may involve important mod-ifications of the trophic links among the components of the microbial food web with presumed consequences on C and nutrient cycling.Lire moins >
Lire la suite >The significant impact of dust deposition on het-erotrophic bacterial dynamics in the surface oligotrophic ocean has recently been evidenced. Considering the central role of bacteria in the microbial loop, it is likely that dust deposition also affects the structure and the functioning of the whole microbial food web. In the frame of the DUNE project, aiming to estimate the impact of dust deposition on the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea through mesocosm ex-periments, the main goal of the present paper was to as-sess how two successive dust deposition events affect the dynamics of the microbial food web. The first dust seeding delivered new P and N to the amended mesocosms and re-sulted in a pronounced stimulation of bacterial respiration. It also induced pronounced, but transient, changes in the bac-terial community composition. No significant effects were observed on the abundances of viruses and heterotrophic nanoflagellates. The second dust seeding also delivered new P and N to the amended mesocosms, but the effect on the microbial food web was very different. Bacterial respira-tion remained constant and bacterial abundance decreased. Compositional changes following the second seeding were minor compared to the first one. The decrease in bacterial abundance coincided with an increase in virus abundance, resulting in higher virus : bacteria ratios throughout the sec-ond seeding period. Our study shows that dust deposition to the surface oligotrophic ocean may involve important mod-ifications of the trophic links among the components of the microbial food web with presumed consequences on C and nutrient cycling.Lire moins >
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Source :
- https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01090615/document
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- https://www.biogeosciences.net/11/5607/2014/bg-11-5607-2014.pdf
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- https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01090615/document
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- https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01090615/document
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