Nickel exsolution-driven phase transformation ...
Type de document :
Article dans une revue scientifique: Article original
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Titre :
Nickel exsolution-driven phase transformation from an n=2 to an n=1 ruddlesden-popper manganite for methane steam reforming reaction in sofc conditions
Auteur(s) :
Vecino-Mantilla, Sebastian [Auteur]
Universidad Industrial de Santander [Bucaramanga] [UIS]
Gauthier-Maradei, Paola [Auteur]
Universidad Industrial de Santander [Bucaramanga] [UIS]
Huvé, Marielle [Auteur]
Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (UCCS) - UMR 8181
Serra, Manuel Jose [Auteur]
Universitat Politècnica de València = Universitad Politecnica de Valencia = Polytechnic University of Valencia [UPV]
Roussel, Pascal [Auteur]
Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (UCCS) - UMR 8181
Gauthier, Gilles H. [Auteur]
Universidad Industrial de Santander [Bucaramanga] [UIS]
Universidad Industrial de Santander [Bucaramanga] [UIS]
Gauthier-Maradei, Paola [Auteur]
Universidad Industrial de Santander [Bucaramanga] [UIS]
Huvé, Marielle [Auteur]

Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (UCCS) - UMR 8181
Serra, Manuel Jose [Auteur]
Universitat Politècnica de València = Universitad Politecnica de Valencia = Polytechnic University of Valencia [UPV]
Roussel, Pascal [Auteur]

Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (UCCS) - UMR 8181
Gauthier, Gilles H. [Auteur]
Universidad Industrial de Santander [Bucaramanga] [UIS]
Titre de la revue :
Date de publication :
Mot(s)-clé(s) :
Fuel cells
Steam reforming
Fuel cells
Steam reforming
Discipline(s) HAL :
Chimie/Chimie inorganique
Résumé en anglais : [en]
An original way to perform the exsolution of Ni nanoparticles on a ceramic support was explored for the development of methane steam reforming catalyst in SOFC anode conditions. The n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) phase ...
Lire la suite >An original way to perform the exsolution of Ni nanoparticles on a ceramic support was explored for the development of methane steam reforming catalyst in SOFC anode conditions. The n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) phase La1.5Sr1.5Mn1.5Ni0.5O7±δ has been synthesized by the Pechini method and subsequently reduced with an H2-N2 mixture at different temperatures and reducing times to induce the formation of two phases: LaSrMnO4 (n=1 RP) decorated with metallic Ni nanoparticles. Preliminary measurements of catalytic behavior for the steam reforming have been carried out in a reduction-reaction process with a mixture of 82 mol %CH4, 18 mol %N2 and low steam to carbon ratio (S/C=0.15). The catalyst exhibits a selectivity for CO production (0.97), 14.60 mol % CH4 conversion and around 24.19 mol % H2 production. Such catalytic behavior was maintained for more than 4 h, with a constant rate of hydrogen production and CH4 conversion rate.Lire moins >
Lire la suite >An original way to perform the exsolution of Ni nanoparticles on a ceramic support was explored for the development of methane steam reforming catalyst in SOFC anode conditions. The n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) phase La1.5Sr1.5Mn1.5Ni0.5O7±δ has been synthesized by the Pechini method and subsequently reduced with an H2-N2 mixture at different temperatures and reducing times to induce the formation of two phases: LaSrMnO4 (n=1 RP) decorated with metallic Ni nanoparticles. Preliminary measurements of catalytic behavior for the steam reforming have been carried out in a reduction-reaction process with a mixture of 82 mol %CH4, 18 mol %N2 and low steam to carbon ratio (S/C=0.15). The catalyst exhibits a selectivity for CO production (0.97), 14.60 mol % CH4 conversion and around 24.19 mol % H2 production. Such catalytic behavior was maintained for more than 4 h, with a constant rate of hydrogen production and CH4 conversion rate.Lire moins >
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Établissement(s) :
Centrale Lille
Univ. Artois
Université de Lille
Centrale Lille
Univ. Artois
Université de Lille
Collections :
Équipe(s) de recherche :
Matériaux inorganiques, structures, systèmes et propriétés (MISSP)
Date de dépôt :