The effects of support morphology on the ...
Type de document :
Article dans une revue scientifique: Article original
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Titre :
The effects of support morphology on the performance of Pt/CeO2 catalysts for the low temperature steam reforming of ethanol
Auteur(s) :
Kourtelesis, Marios [Auteur]
University of Patras
Moraes, Tamara Siqueira [Auteur]
Fluminense Federal University [Niterói]
Mattos, Lisiane Veiga [Auteur]
Fluminense Federal University [Niterói]
Niakolas, Dimitrios K. [Auteur]
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas [FORTH]
Bellot Noronha, Fabio [Auteur]
Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (UCCS) - UMR 8181
Verykios, Xenophon [Auteur]
University of Patras
University of Patras
Moraes, Tamara Siqueira [Auteur]
Fluminense Federal University [Niterói]
Mattos, Lisiane Veiga [Auteur]
Fluminense Federal University [Niterói]
Niakolas, Dimitrios K. [Auteur]
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas [FORTH]
Bellot Noronha, Fabio [Auteur]

Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (UCCS) - UMR 8181
Verykios, Xenophon [Auteur]
University of Patras
Titre de la revue :
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Nom court de la revue :
Appl. Catal. B-Environ.
Numéro :
Pagination :
Date de publication :
Mot(s)-clé(s) :
Deactivation mechanism
Ceria morphology
Pt/CeO2 catalyst
Steam reforming of ethanol at low temperature
Hydrogen production
Ceria morphology
Pt/CeO2 catalyst
Steam reforming of ethanol at low temperature
Hydrogen production
Discipline(s) HAL :
Résumé en anglais : [en]
A series of Pt/CeO2 catalysts with different support morphologies was studied for the low temperature ethanol steam reforming. Different ceria nanostructures (nanocube_NC, nanorod_NR and flower-like_FL) were prepared by ...
Lire la suite >A series of Pt/CeO2 catalysts with different support morphologies was studied for the low temperature ethanol steam reforming. Different ceria nanostructures (nanocube_NC, nanorod_NR and flower-like_FL) were prepared by the hydrothermal method and are compared with CeO2 obtained by precipitation. Support morphology was found to influence certain reaction routes, even though the reaction scheme was the same regardless of the support. Concerning catalyst stability at 573 K, Pt/CeO2- PPT exhibited rapid deactivation, whereas Pt/CeO2- NR remained rather stable. XPS surface analysis before and after reaction at 573 K revealed significant degree of Pt reduction on CeO2 nanorods, directly related to the reduction of Ce4+ into Ce3+. DRIFTS experiments under reaction conditions for 5 h, revealed an accumulation of acetates on the Pt/CeO2- PPT catalyst, likely due to the imbalance between the rate of acetate species decomposition to CHx (not facilitated over Ptδ+ of the catalyst with the lower Pt dispersion), and their desorption as CH4.Lire moins >
Lire la suite >A series of Pt/CeO2 catalysts with different support morphologies was studied for the low temperature ethanol steam reforming. Different ceria nanostructures (nanocube_NC, nanorod_NR and flower-like_FL) were prepared by the hydrothermal method and are compared with CeO2 obtained by precipitation. Support morphology was found to influence certain reaction routes, even though the reaction scheme was the same regardless of the support. Concerning catalyst stability at 573 K, Pt/CeO2- PPT exhibited rapid deactivation, whereas Pt/CeO2- NR remained rather stable. XPS surface analysis before and after reaction at 573 K revealed significant degree of Pt reduction on CeO2 nanorods, directly related to the reduction of Ce4+ into Ce3+. DRIFTS experiments under reaction conditions for 5 h, revealed an accumulation of acetates on the Pt/CeO2- PPT catalyst, likely due to the imbalance between the rate of acetate species decomposition to CHx (not facilitated over Ptδ+ of the catalyst with the lower Pt dispersion), and their desorption as CH4.Lire moins >
Langue :
Comité de lecture :
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Établissement(s) :
Université de Lille
Centrale Lille
Univ. Artois
Centrale Lille
Univ. Artois
Collections :
Équipe(s) de recherche :
Valorisation des alcanes et de la biomasse (VAALBIO)
Date de dépôt :