Now showing items 1-10 of 54
Tau pathology modulates Pin1 post-translational modifications and may be relevant as biomarker
Neurobiology of aging, 03-2013, 34 (3), 757-769Article dans une revue scientifique -
Identification of Novel Functions for Hepatitis C Virus Envelope Glycoprotein E1 in Virus Entry and Assembly
Journal of Virology, 15-04-2017, 91 (8), e00048-17Article dans une revue scientifique -
NMR Reveals the Interplay among the AMSH SH3 Binding Motif, STAM2, and Lys63-Linked Diubiquitin
Journal of Molecular Biology, 11-2016, 428 (22), 4544-4558Article dans une revue scientifique -
A new strategy for sequential assignment of intrinsically unstructured proteins based on 15N single isotope labelling
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 11-2013, 236, 1-6Article dans une revue scientifique -
Dissociation Kinetics of a Binary Complex in Solution by Protein Displacement
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 25-11-2013, 52 (48), 12587-12591Article dans une revue scientifique -
Identification of a Plasmodium falciparum inhibitor-2 motif involved in the binding and regulation activity of protein phosphatase type 1
FEBS Journal, 10-2014, 281 (19), 4519-4534Article dans une revue scientifique -
NMR and circular dichroism data for domain 2 of the HCV NS5A protein phosphorylated by the Casein Kinase II
Data in Brief, 04-2018, 17, 325-333Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext -
Studying Intrinsically Disordered Proteins under True In Vivo Conditions by Combined Cross-Polarization and Carbonyl-Detection NMR Spectroscopy
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 20-06-2016, 55 (26), 7418-7422Article dans une revue scientifique -
Immunophilin FKBP52 induces Tau-P301L filamentous assembly in vitro and modulates its activity in a model of tauopathy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 25-03-2014, 111 (12), 4584-4589Article dans une revue scientifique -
Structural basis for oxygen degradation domain selectivity of the HIF prolyl hydroxylases
Nature communications, 26-08-2016, 7, 12673Article dans une revue scientifiquefulltext